Toronto Financial Services Professional Liability

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Understanding Professional Liability Insurance for Financial Services.

If you’re a Toronto-based accountant, financial advisor or financial planning professional, you run the risk of malpractice if a client believes you’ve mishandled their finances or offered inaccurate financial advice. In those situations, a Commercial General Liability Insurance policy may not cover your legal costs.

The easiest way to protect yourself is with Professional Liability Insurance (also known as Errors and Omissions Insurance). EasyCover Canada offers Toronto Financial Services Professional Liability that can help ensure you’re covered when providing services or advice to a client. It’s the perfect way for Torontonians working in finance to protect their professional reputations.


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Examples of Toronto Financial Services Professional Liability Insurance

Typical scenarios for claims can include:

  • Client suffers monetary loss:

    Following poor and inaccurate advice given to a client, they suffer a substantial monetary loss and sue for the recovery of those lost finances

  • Administrative mistake:

    A mistake is made which results in significant loss for a client, who is now holding you liable for the loss

  • Missed deduction:

    As a tax accountant, you miss a large deduction and the client has to pay extra taxes and late penalties. They hold you liable for these extra costs

Protect yourself when the unexpected happens.

Protect yourself when the unexpected happens with Toronto Financial Services Professional Liability.

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